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Human-AI Research Output

Journal Publications
  1. Woo, D. J., Guo, K., & Salas-Pilco, S. Z. (2024). Writing creative stories with AI: learning designs for secondary school students. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1–13.

  2. Woo, D. J., Guo, K., & Susanto, H. (2024). Exploring EFL students’ prompt engineering in human–AI story writing: an activity theory perspective. Interactive Learning Environments, 1–20.

  3. Woo, D. J., Wang, D., Guo, K., & Susanto, H. (2024). Teaching EFL students to write with ChatGPT: Students’ motivation to learn, cognitive load, and satisfaction with the learning process. Education and Information Technologies.

    1. Accepted manuscript​

  4. Woo, D. J., Susanto, H., Yeung, C. H., Guo, K., & Fung, A. K. Y. (2024). Exploring AI-Generated text in student writing: How does AI help? Language Learning & Technology, 28(2), 183–209.

  5. Woo, D. J., Wang, Y., Susanto, H., & Guo, K. (2023). Understanding English as a Foreign Language Students’ Idea Generation Strategies for Creative Writing With Natural Language Generation Tools. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 61(7), 1464–1482.

Media Publications
  1. Woo, D., & Fung, A. (2023). The First Human-AI Creative Writing Contest for Hong Kong Secondary Schools. NET Scheme News, 44, 4–5.

  2. Susanto, H., Woo, D. J., & Guo, Kai. (2023). The Role of AI in Human-AI Creative Writing for Hong Kong Secondary Students. International Council of Teachers of English (ICTE) Newsletter, 7, 7-10. 

Conference Presentations

Woo, D. (2022, December 7). Idea Generation Strategies for Student Writing with AI-NLG Tools. Learning & Teaching Expo (LTE) 2022, Hong Kong.

  1. Woo, D. J. (2024, January 16). Teaching EFL Students to write with ChatGPT: Students’ motivation to learn, cognitive load, and satisfaction with the learning process. Online Symposium, “Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Language Learning and Teaching,” Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

  2. Woo, D. (2023, December 4). 2023-24 Human-AI Creative Writing Contest for HK Secondary Schools: Preliminary Findings on Students Perceptions. Symposium on STEM/STEAM and AI in Education, Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 

  3. Woo, D., Guo, K., & Susanto, H. (2023). Exploring EFL Students’ Prompt Engineering in Human-AI Story Writing: An Activity Theory Perspective. Paper presented at the Centre for Information Technology in Education Research Symposium 2023 (CITERS 2023): Empowering Communities and Transforming Learning, Hong Kong.

  4. Woo, D., Susanto, H., & Yeung, C. H. (2023, April 20). The Role of AI-Writing Tools in Developing Students’ Writing Skills. NET Regional Cluster Meeting (Hong Kong), Fukien Secondary School, Siu Sai Wan, Hong Kong.

  5. Woo, D., Susanto, H., Wang, Y., & Guo, K. (2023). Natural Language Generation in Student Writing: Language Features, Strategies, and Links to Successful Writing. Paper presented at the 2023 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA 2023): Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth, Chicago, Illinois.

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